Films for Crypto Clients

Many of our clients are from the Bitcoin and Blockchain industry. We are Bitcoin enthusiasts ourselves, so our clients don't have to explain us how Bitcoin works and why it is useful. 

Promotional video for Crypto Race Track, an unsual Crypto trading platform.

Crypto-based lending platform YouHodler WATCH THE VIDEO

Bitcoin saving platform  WATCH THE VIDEO

Decentralised gaming platform Guld Games WATCH THE VIDEO

ICO launch video for Bob's Repair (Director's Cut) WATCH THE VIDEO

ICO launch video for the crypto mining company Bit & Coin WATCH THE VIDEO

ICO launch video for social network Traderlink WATCH THE VIDEO

ICO launch video for the esports platform WATCH THE VIDEO 

Blockchain based social network Steem WATCH THE VIDEO

Greeneum, tokenized platform for renewable energies WATCH THE VIDEO

Video show about the Internet of People with Sarah Klostermair WATCH THE VIDEO

Explainer video about Emergent Consensus WATCH THE VIDEO

*thisApp, a decentralised exchange (merchants version) WATCH THE VIDEO

Bitcoin Wallet Mycelium WATCH THE VIDEO

Trailer for the Latin American Bitcoin Conference in Buenos Aires WATCH THE VIDEO

Music video for the Glam Rock song 'Blockchain Eternity' WATCH THE VIDEO

Blockchain Contest by Bitcoin@GTEC WATCH THE VIDEO

German Bitcoin marketplace WATCH THE VIDEO

Peer-to-peer lending platform Bitbond WATCH THE VIDEO

Intelligent decentralised network Tauchain WATCH THE VIDEO

Omni, a layer over the Bitcoin blockchain for issueing and trading various assets WATCH THE VIDEO

Charity BitGive Foundation WATCH THE VIDEO

Security device Mycelium Entropy WATCH THE VIDEO

Asset trading protocol Colored Coins WATCH THE VIDEO

Payment platform Coinzone WATCH THE VIDEO

Mining company Knc Miner WATCH THE VIDEO 

Shop solution BopShop by Bits of Proof WATCH THE VIDEO

Trading company Bitcoin Trader WATCH THE VIDEO

Decentralised exchange *thisApp WATCH THE VIDEO

Trailer for the conference LaBitConf Rio de Janeiro WATCH THE VIDEO

Cloud mining company Genesis Mining WATCH THE VIDEO

Talent backing platform CoinPowers WATCH THE VIDEO

The Book of Satoshi WATCH THE VIDEO